Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Top Pointers for Bad Credit-Credit Card Applicants

Here are excellent suggestions you can use to find suitable credit cards to rebuild your credit history:

Approach the officers of your bank and inquire if they can extend you a line of credit, despite your low credit score. Keep in mind that your existing relationship with the bank can actually work to your advantage, and help you out in qualifying for a suitable card program.

Strike a Credit Card Deal with the Officers of Your Bank.

Suppose you have just opened a savings or a checking account with the bank. Would it still be wise to request for a credit card from it? Well, that depends on the policies of the financial organization. However, we discourage you from doing so, since there will be a great chance that your application will be turned down, which can in turn inflict further damage to your credit history. Instead, we advise you to wait until you can build a good reputation among the employees of the firm, before you attempt to file a credit card application with the bank.

Look for online credit card firms. After all, most credit agencies that conduct business using the internet are often more capable of providing affordable lines of credit than their counterparts outside the domain of the World Wide Web.

Just remember to run background checks on your target card issuers. That way, you can eliminate your risk of dealing with online fraudsters and identity thieves.

Settle for secured credit cards, in the meantime. You may have to apply for a secured line of credit from nearby firms, just so you can immediately start rebuilding your credit history.

A gentle reminder, though. Prepare sufficient cash that you can use to cover the security deposit requirement found in such card programs. That way, you can look forward to receiving the credit card you wish to use for financing your day-to-day expenses and for regaining your creditworthiness.

And be sure to deal only with firms that will submit timely reports of your credit and payment activities to the three major credit bureaus. That way, you can have the assurance that the time and effort you will invest in gradually re-establishing your credit reputation will all be worthwhile.

Do you have other tips in mind? Post them in the comments section below! 

Image courtesy of savit keawtavee /


  1. hey there!!!

    great post! keep them coming!

  2. i sure will! thanks for visiting and for reading this piece!

    more posts coming up!

  3. By far the best place to review secured credit card offers is because first progress visa has a secured card that will allow a credit limit up to $2000.
